You are Worth More
You Deserve More
You are More!
You are More was founded
on the awareness that movement-based programs are not offered to sexual violence survivors. We offer this opportunity through movement and group therapy to allow individuals to move their trauma through their bodies, to acknowledge what occurred and how it has impacted them without telling them how or what they should feel. We want to give autonomy back to the survivor.
It's hard to ask for help
- it can make you feel like you are not enough, and that you are doing something wrong but it isn't true. There are things we will all encounter in life that are too heavy to carry alone.
The You are More Project will off you a hand up - we will stand with you and support you in your own healing process.

My name is Linzi
I am 24 years old and the founder of You are More and I am so happy you are here!
Statistics show that 1 in 3 females and 1 in 6 males in Canada have or will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. These statistics are based on police reported incidents and research shows that most incidents of sexual violence goes unreported.
The You Are More Project is a non-profit organization based in Saskatoon, Sk founded with the sole purpose of raising awareness and providing free wholistic healing programs for survivors of sexual violence, this includes movement and creative expression as outlets to healing trauma.

- Fri, Feb 07Saskatoon
Core Values
Safety in ones' body and in community
Communicating with honesty and transparency
The strength to show up when you cannot control the outcome, takes courage
Leading by example, empowering others to use their voice to stand up for others
A feeling of lightness, ease and ability to be oneself

100% of donations directly support 2024 programming, for those who have experienced sexual violence. Your support is appreciated!